From South Africa to Asia, USA to UK - these creatives are pioneering the future of digital art and fashion. Our top 22 represents artists we have had the pleasure to work with over the past year and and we feel it is important to take a moment to celebrate them and their incredible talent.
Why 22?
22 is the number of AVATA. The company was formed on 22.02.22.
Number 22 carries the energy of duality, adaptability, insight, and selflessness. This high vibration number symbolizes turning your desires into reality – it’s about accomplishment on the highest level.

The Catch22 top artist selection goes to...
(not in any order of importance)
1. Tookee @tookeeeee
2. Maalavidaa @maalavidaa
3. Nick Knight OBE @nick_knight
4. Steven Baltay @realimposter
5. Neo Deluxe@neodlx
6. Andreas Christidis @christidis.andreas
7. Skeeva @skeevaa
8. Kota Yamaji @kotayamaji
9. Future Positive @future__positive
10. Beryl Bilici @berylbilici
11. Gigi Gorlova @gigigorlova_
12. J Cabo
13. Shavonne Wong @shavonne.wong
14. Trendimensional @trendimensional
15. Jivomir Domoustchiev @jivomir.domoustchiev
16. Mochic @mochiofficial
17. Terry Gates @terrygates
18. Max Salzborn @maxsalzborn
19. Damara Inglês @damara_in_ctrl
20. James Mack @jamesmackk
21. King Debs @_king_debs.
22. DeNova
Follow their amazing work to support them into a New Year!